You have to find ways to stand out from the competition with a solid brand building process. Learn how to create a brand in eleven simple steps!
Make no mistake about it: a recognizable and loved brand is one of the most valuable assets a company owns.
According to a Nielson survey, 59% of consumers prefer to buy new products from brands familiar to them.
As a small business, you may be competing against big brands with devoted customers and unlimited marketing budgets. That’s why you have to find ways to stand out—with a solid brand building process of your own.
My favorite piece of advice to any entrepreneur is to learn how to build a brand, not just a business.
This is what will give you massive growth and raving fans.
How do you build a brand?
Branding your business is much more than just a cool logo or a well-placed advertisement.
You need to do more.
Use our step-by-step branding process workbook with tips, templates, and guidance to help build a brand for your business! Define your target audience, research competitors, develop a voice…and more.
Let me provide you with a quick definition before diving into the nitty-gritty of brand building.
What is a brand?
Simply put, your brand is defined by a customer’s overall perception of your business.
The founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, says it even better: “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.”
Your brand is your reputation!
In today’s market, a successful brand has to be consistent in communication and experience, across many applications:
- Environment (storefront or office)
- Print collateral, signage, packaging
- Website & online advertising
- Content publishing
- Sales & customer service
- siiteInternal (with employees)
Now, brand building being simple? The truth is: branding doesn’t happen overnight…or even in a few months.
Building a brand is definitely a process and requires a strategy. However, the ongoing effort will result in establishing long-term relationships with your customers.
This can lead to a steady increase in leads and sales, word-of-mouth referrals, and advocacy for your products or services.
What is brand building?
The definition of brand building is to generate awareness about your business using strategies and campaigns with the goal of creating a unique and lasting image in the marketplace.
Positive image + standing out = brand success.
Branding can be broken down into three high-level phases:
- Brand Strategy
- Brand Identity
- Brand Marketing
Brand Strategy will map out how you are different, trustworthy, memorable, and likable by your ideal customer. It will convey your purpose, promises, and how you solve problems for people.
This is THE first step you need to take when creating a brand from the ground up (whether you are just starting or already established).
You wouldn’t build a home without a blueprint or plans, right?
It’s the same with your brand.
You can think of brand strategy as the blueprint for how you want the world to see your business.
An effective and comprehensive brand strategy should include the following components as part of the process:
- Brand purpose development
- Audience development
- Competitor research
- Brand voice & personality
- Brand message & story
Brand strategy is a critical and foundational piece for building a successful brand. It’s one of the areas that most businesses overlook because they jump right into design and marketing.
READ MORE: Brand Strategy: A 5-Step Process To Help You Stand Out
Brand Identity is the way that you convey this to the public with visuals, messaging, and experience. Your brand strategy will influence how you present your identity and align it with your purpose for the most impact.
Your elements of brand identity should be applied across all channels consistently. It’s the way that your business becomes recognizable.
This includes your:
- Logo
- Colors and fonts
- Patterns and icons
- Collateral
- Website design
- Content and messaging
- Advertising
- Print or packaging
Brand Marketing is the way that businesses or organizations highlight and bring awareness to products or services by connecting values and voice to the right audience through strategic communication.
In 2024, the amplification of your brand image can be done effectively through various digital marketing activities:
- User Experience (i.e. your website)
- SEO & Content Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Paid Advertising (PPC)
Together, these channels are fundamental to gaining brand awareness and growth. We’ll dive into each of these elements in detail, later!
So –
What is involved with building a great brand?
I simplified the path for a comprehensive brand building process below, to help your business brand or personal brand gain a more loyal following.
Are you wondering where to start?
Use these steps as a guide for how to build a brand!
How to Build a Brand People Love
1. Discover the purpose behind your brand.
Every successful brand has a powerful purpose behind it.
And so should you.
It’s what you wake up every day loving to do for other people (and the world) through your product or service.
The first step of an effective brand building process is to figure out the purpose which drives you.
There are four questions you should ask yourself when defining a brand purpose:
- Why do you exist?
- What differentiates you?
- What problem do you solve?
- Why should people care?
You’ll use these ideas to inform the foundation of your branding, through a tagline, slogans, value propositions, voice, messaging, stories, and more.
Studies show that 50% of consumers worldwide say they now buy based on a company’s brand values and impact.
So dig deep and find those nuggets of truth which can distinguish your brand from others.
READ MORE: Brand Purpose: Find Your Why with 7 Powerful Questions
Leadership expert Simon Sinek developed an impactful model called The Golden Circle (he’s also the author of Start With Why—this book is excellent to read or listen to on Audible!)
The Golden Circle concept can help in identifying the purpose behind anything in business or life, really.
The 3 Parts to The Golden Circle:
- What – the products or services you offer to your customers
- How – the things that differentiate you from the competition
- Why – the reason you are passionate and why you exist
In fact, in the video you’ll see below, Sinek explains how to truly differentiate a brand when most of them fail.
I’ve probably watched this presentation over a hundred times, and still get chills when I do. It’s one that I send to all clients prior to our kick-off meeting for the brand discovery phase.
Some people in the marketing industry think this concept is overrated, but I disagree. It’s inspiring, certainly if you are new to branding a business or idea.
(And, there’s a reason why it’s one of the most popular TED talks of all time!)
Sit back and take a look:
“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.
The goal is not to do business with everybody that needs what you have.
The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.”
– Simon Sinek
You too can use The Golden Circle as a starting point to identify your unique brand purpose.
⇨ Learn how to build a purpose-driven brand
2. Research competitor brands in your industry.
You should never imitate exactly what the big brands are doing in your industry.
But, you should be aware of what they do well (or where they fail).
The goal for how to build a brand is to differentiate from the competition. Convince a customer to purchase from you over them!
We’re always thinking about ways to make a brand stand out from what’s out there already. Don’t skip this step in the brand building process.
Research your main competitors or benchmark brands. For instance, study how well they have gone about building a brand name.
For a brand name to be effective, it needs to be easy for consumers to recognize and remember.
Creating a brand competitor research spreadsheet
Competitor research is a key element of your own brand development process. Start by creating a brand competitor spreadsheet for comparison. You can use Google Sheets, Excel, or even just a notebook.
Then, answer these fundamental questions.
- Is the competitor consistent with messaging and visual identity across channels?
- What is the quality of the competitor’s products or services?
- Does the competitor have customer reviews or social mentions you can read about them?
- In what ways does the competitor market their business, both online and offline?
Choose a few competitors, two to four (2-4) is a good number for your comparison chart. You might want to take a look at other local businesses, or even aim to benchmark against name brands.
Competitor research (or market research), is one of the key components in discovering and defining your brand positioning.
⇨ Learn how to research competitors to position your brand
3. Determine your brand’s target audience.
The foundation for building your brand is to determine the target audience that you’ll be focusing on.
You can’t be everything to everyone, right?
When implementing brand building strategies, keep in mind who exactly you are trying to reach. You’ll tailor your mission and message to meet their exact needs.
The key is to get specific. Figure out detailed behaviors and lifestyle of your consumers.
I’ll explain with a few brief examples.
- Instead of “all Moms”, you could narrow down the niche to hone in on “single Moms who work full-time from home”.
- “Techy people” is too broad. But “tech-savvy early adopters who manage a large team” can narrow the focus in.
- If you are targeting “college kids”, there is definitely room to get more specific. An example could be: “college students studying abroad in Europe during the summer”.
- “Anyone who needs a job” is certainly not a niche target market. However, “retirees looking to return to the workforce in an executive position” can be!
As you can see, targeting a niche requires committing to something very focused to start.
You’ll come to realize that the competitive advantage when branding your business is to narrow your target audience focus.
This can help ensure that your brand message comes across crystal clear to the intended recipient.
Solidify a picture of your consumers, then learn how to create a brand identity that they can understand and relate to.
Your Brand Buyer Persona
The brand creation process relies on truly understanding the buyer persona. Here are a few of the things to document when describing your ideal customer:
- Age
- Gender
- Location
- Income
- Education Level
To get even more definition for your brand’s buyer persona, dive into these details:
- Motivations
- Goals
- Pain points
- Fears
- Desires
- Influencers
- Brand affinities
⇨ Learn how to define the right target audience
Identifying the target audience for your services or products is an exercise that will affect and benefit all areas of your brand building process, particularly marketing efforts.
You want the ideal person consuming your content, clicking on your ads, subscribing to your email list, etc.
As a result, determining the ideal audience for your business will support your overall digital brand building strategies. It’s definitely an important first step!
4. Establish a brand mission and vision.
Step four in our brand building process –
Have you thought about your brand mission and brand vision? In essence, you’ll have to craft a clear expression of what your company is most passionate about.
This is part of your why; the reason you get up every day.
Before you can build a brand that your target audience trusts, you need to know what value your business provides.
Your brand vision is a future, someday, aspirational statement that your brand drives towards achieving.
Envision a projection of where your brand aspires to go, what it aspires to be, and what impact it will have on the environment you are in—think 10 years out.
READ MORE: Brand Vision: Stop Drifting and Start Driving Growth!
The mission statement is a now, everyday, statement of commitment that is a roadmap for accomplishing your vision. It will inform how you execute your brand building strategies.
Everything from your logo to your tagline, voice, message, and personality should reflect your mission and vision.
You can use the information gathered from The Golden Circle exercise (see Step 1) to create a clear and impactful brand vision and mission statements.
Use our step-by-step branding workbook with tips, templates, and guidance to help build a brand for your business! Define your target audience, research competitors, develop a voice…and more.
Brand Building Examples: Nike
We all know the Nike tagline: Just Do It. But do you know their mission statement?
Nike’s mission is: “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world“.
You can see the Nike mission everywhere. They focus on all types of athletes using Nike products to be their best selves.
Nike goes even further with its brand mission, by adding a footnote to the statement: “If you have a body, you are an athlete“. Think about how wide their target audience becomes with a disclaimer like that!
The company has built up such a reputation and brand following, that it’s able to increase the target to accommodate every “body”.
When branding your business, start small and remember to focus on your target niche audience first.
With time, your brand loyalty may grow enough to expand your reach.
Let’s take a step back for a minute. Before crafting your vision or brand mission statement, gut check on whether you really committed to Step 3 of determining who your exact consumer is. It’s one of the most important brand building steps of them all.
5. Outline the key qualities & benefits your brand offers.
There will always be brands with bigger budgets and more resources to command their industry.
Your products, services, and benefits belong solely to you.
Starting a brand that is memorable means you dig deep to figure out what you offer, and no one else is offering.
Focus on the qualities and benefits that make your company branding unique.
Assuming you know exactly who your target audience is (see Step 3), give them a reason to choose your brand over another.
It’s important to note that this is not just a laundry list of the features your product or services offer to the customer or client. Think about how you provide value that improves consumers’ lives (outcomes or results that are experienced).
Here are a few examples:
- More authentic and transparent customer service
- A better way to support productivity
- Reducing costs with a more affordable option
- Saving time on daily tasks
⇨ Learn how to create your value propositions
Brand Building Example: Apple
If there’s one example to always look at for how to build a brand, it’s Apple.
Apple is obviously not just another computer company. One of their key qualities is a clean design, and a key benefit is ease of use.
From unique packaging to their announcement events, Apple always reminds customers that its products can be used right out of the box.
Do you remember Apple’s slogan back in 1997-2002? It was “Think Different“. This notion continues to exist, today.
We’re almost halfway through the steps to brand building. If you’ve made it this far, give yourself a high five.
⇨ Download our step-by-step workbook full of tips and templates to learn how to build your brand.
6. Form your unique brand voice.
Your voice is dependent on your company’s mission, audience, and industry.
It’s how you communicate with your customers, and how they respond to you.
A brand voice could be:
- Professional
- Friendly
- Service-oriented
- Authoritative
- Technical
- Promotional
- Conversational
- Informative
There are endless adjectives and possibilities that can build a brand voice behind your messaging.
Ultimately, you want to choose a brand voice that makes sense and resonates with your target customers. (Again, going back to Step 3!)
⇨ Learn how to find your distinct brand voice
You’ll see that if you find and use the correct brand voice, you have the strongest chance of connecting with consumers.
This is particularly important when publishing blog articles or social media posts. Maintaining a consistent voice will help your brand image become recognized on multiple channels in the same way. A community of followers, readers or subscribers will come to expect a certain brand voice and brand personality when they consume your content (see the next step).
Brand Building Examples: Virgin America
Virgin America is known for its friendly and reliable customer service, and its voice constantly builds that brand.
On Twitter, notice their personable style—using location-based humor in this instance. They also reinforce the value that they bring to their customers—guaranteeing power outlets on every flight.
Fish sticks will fly at Pike Place before we ever offer a flight without power outlets. #FleetWide
— Virgin America (@VirginAmerica) August 4, 2015
7. Let your brand personality shine.
Customers aren’t looking for another cookie-cutter company that offers the same thing as everyone else.
They are looking for an experience tailored to their needs, backed by genuine personal interaction.
Wondering how to brand your business in a unique way? Make your personality stand out in every aspect of your brand building process.
Be consistent with this brand personality across all points of contact.
It can be as simple as:
- A conversational voice in communication (using “I”, and “you”)
- Sharing behind-the-scenes content
- Telling stories about real experiences
- Describing your products/services in a quirky manner
8. Build a brand story and messaging.
When building a brand, tell customers succinctly who you are.
Use the business voice you have chosen for your brand.
Your messaging should be intricately associated with your brand and conveyed consistently.
This part of the brand development process goes beyond your logo and tagline to define the key aspects of:
- Who you are
- What you offer
- Why people should care
A brand story is an opportunity to communicate on a human level, making a direct emotional connection with your consumers.
What this means, is that the language you use should be understood immediately while striking an emotional chord.
Make it simple and clear.
Most importantly: when creating a brand story, address not what your product can do…but why it is important to your customer.
⇨ Learn how to create a brand message
Brand Building Example: TOMS Shoes
TOMS Shoes has built a huge social following and overwhelming positive brand perception.
They clearly define their message front and center on their website: “Improving lives. With every product you purchase, TOMS will help a person in need. One for One.“
This story is carried out through every touchpoint a consumer has with the brand.
9. Create a brand logo & tagline.
When you think about how to build a brand, visuals probably come to mind first. We haven’t even talked about these until this deep into the brand building process!
This step may be the one where you need help with creative execution.
The most exciting (and arguably the most important piece) of the brand building process, is to create a brand logo and tagline for your company.
This logo will appear on everything that relates to your business. It will become your identity, calling card, and the visual recognition of your promise.
So be willing to invest the time and money by creating something exceptional to reinforce the visual identity for your business.
Need help branding your business? Hire a professional designer or branding agency with logo and identity design experience, to help make your brand stand out.
Their expertise will ensure that you get a unique and timeless mark for your business.
A designer can also develop brand guidelines, to ensure consistency for any future application of the logo and associated brand color palette or fonts.
A strong brand style guide will include the following things:
- Logo size and placement
- Color palette
- Typography and fonts
- Iconography
- Photography/image style
- Web elements
10. Integrate your brand into every aspect of your business.
The brand building process never stops.
Your brand should be visible and reflected in everything that your customer can see, read, and hear.
Let me explain.
If a client walks into your office, or a customer walks into your store—your brand image should be on display both in the environment and with personal interactions.
Anything tangible–from business cards to advertisements, to packaging and product–needs the stamp of your logo.
On any digital platform, ensure that your brand looks the same everywhere. Use your brand style guide to create consistency with visuals such as color and logo use, fonts, photography, etc.
Your website is the most important tool for marketing your brand. When you design your website: incorporate your voice, message, and personality into the content.
Profile pages for social media networks should be branded visually, and with your chosen voice for engagement.
READ MORE: 7 Effective Social Media Best Practices for Business
And don’t forget about video! YouTube, Facebook Video and Facebook Live, Snapchat and Instagram Stories are all platforms that need to have content executed with your unique brand voice and personality.
For those venturing into podcast audio, adhere to a theme that supports your brand message, value, and voice.
Brand Building Examples: Warby Parker
Warby Parker has managed to quickly develop a brand that is unique and best in class. Their innovative product home try-on experience, retail environment, and digital content marketing efforts are perfectly tailored to the lifestyle of its target audience.
11. Stay true to your brand building.
Unless you decide to change your brand into something that is more effective based on measured consumer response, consistency is key.
Refer back to your Brand Strategy whenever you need to make a decision about identity or marketing.
Once you establish a brand voice, use it for every piece of content you create. (See above, Step 6 in the brand building process.)
Document all the brand guidelines you create and distribute internally for reference.
What is brand building worth, if it’s not consistent? Don’t constantly change your branding. The inconsistency will confuse your customers, and make long-term brand building more difficult.
Brand Building Example: Starbucks
Starbucks is the world’s leading specialty coffee retailer, and their brand has always promised to bring people together.
The Starbucks mission?
“To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.”
That’s why at every store you’ll find free Wi-Fi, large tables, and soothing music to make chatting with others easy. They always write your name on your coffee for an extra personal touch.
Even despite a logo change in 2011 (removing the company name!), the Starbucks brand perception remains strong. When you see that simplified green mermaid logo, what do you feel? I guarantee it’s something.
Bonus: Be your brand’s biggest advocate.
What does it mean to build a brand?
When you build a brand that works for your small business, you and your employees are the best advocates to market your brand.
No one knows your brand better than you, so it’s up to you to spread the word.
When hiring employees, ensure that they are a culture fit–aligning with the mission, vision, and values of your brand.
Encourage employees to establish a personal brand that aligns with your company brand building process, further strengthening reach.
Give your loyal customers a voice. Encourage them to post reviews, or share your content.
Use our step-by-step workbook with tips, templates, and guidance to help build a brand for your business! Define your target audience, research competitors, develop a voice…and more.
Building Brand Awareness in 2024
Now that you know the key brand building steps, I want to quickly go over the components needed to really set up a good digital foundation to build upon.
These are the key areas my own brand agency executes on when we build brands for businesses just like yours. Let’s review the ways to build brand awareness through marketing, engagement and community building.
Website User Experience
Your website is the most important marketing tool you have for business growth and brand building.
This is the place that your consumers will visit to learn more about your business, and take action when they are ready. Not only does the user experience have to be exceptional in order to convert, but your messaging needs to tell your brand story.
It’s important to have all the right pieces in place when first launching your website, from domain name registration to web hosting, to the right content management system (we recommend WordPress).
Above all:
Your website has to load fast and be mobile-friendly (a responsive web design).
READ MORE: 5 Most Common Website Design Mistakes to Avoid Right Now
The majority of your brand marketing activities will drive traffic back to your website. Aside from a professional and beautifully designed interface, your content has to be compelling.
This brings us to the next element of a great digital brand strategy: SEO and content marketing.
SEO and Content Marketing
One of the most effective long-term ways to increase brand awareness and generate relevant organic traffic to your website is search engine optimization (SEO) and the right content.
There are many ways to achieve positioning in search engine results. Aim to develop a comprehensive strategy addressing the major search engine ranking factors, as well as creating highly valuable content that satisfies user intent.
Here’s the deal:
A defined content marketing strategy will help you better connect with your target audience and support them through their customer journey—building brand trust to ultimately result in conversions.
Most importantly, the foundation piece for your SEO and content publishing efforts will always be your website’s blog.
(I’ll bet you didn’t think that blogging was a key component to building a brand.)
When creating a brand blog, you’ll want to consider:
- Which content will resonate with your target audience?
- How will the content get found in organic search results?
- When is the optimal frequency and scheduling of publishing?
- What is the plan for promoting the content?
READ MORE: How to Build a Successful Blog for Your Business
Don’t just stop at a blog though! Brand content can also exist as infographics, video, podcasting, case studies, whitepapers, lead magnets and more.
Social Media Marketing
Savvy consumers frequently use social networks to make the decision to purchase from a brand—over 74% of them!
How can your brand best educate, communicate and engage with customers and clients through social media?
Social media marketing best practices include the following activities:
- Curating relevant content
- Publishing original content
- Engagement and community building
- Paid advertising
A well-defined social media strategy will help determine what to achieve in order to better connect with your community.
Every brand should be represented consistently across all social media networks via the posting of relevant, high-quality content. With social media, your aim for consumers is first to gain trust. Then become loyal. And then, advocate for your brand’s products and services.
Email Marketing
Did you know your highest click-through rate will come from the emails you send to your list? Don’t underestimate the power of list building early on in your brand building process.
Think of your email marketing list as your most close-knit community, and treat your subscribers as such.
You can build a brand subscriber list through various opt-in forms on your website, such as:
- Pop Ups
- Sidebars
- Scroll Mats
- Slide-ins
- Lead magnet forms
- Landing page forms
The right content, at the right time, to the right person is critical for driving traffic to your website and increasing conversions from email. What’s more, not all email messages need to be sales-driven, as consumers are in different points of the buyer journey.
Use the following types of email campaigns when targeting specific audiences within your marketing funnel.
- Promotional (standard/seasonal)
- Non-promotional (blog)
- Newsletter
- Welcome series
- Drip campaign
- Cart abandonment (ecommerce)
Email is king when data proves that email marketing efforts have an average ROI of $44 for each $1 spent!
Paid Advertising
Building a successful paid advertising campaign for your brand comes with a unique set of challenges. There are multiple elements that contribute to the overall effectiveness of your pay-per-click (PPC) ads.
A strong paid ads campaign on platforms such as Google Ads or Facebook relies heavily on:
- Smart paid advertising goals
- A well-defined target audience
- Clear organization / campaign structure
- Tracking performance meticulously
- Compelling creative copy and design
- Split-testing for optimization
- Using the right keywords
Always remember:
Paid advertising alone can drain your budget…once the ads stop, so can the leads and sales.
The allure of paid advertising is that it can yield quick short-term results. It is certainly effective, however, you’ll want to do PPC in conjunction with all of the above inbound marketing channels for long-term ROI.
Analytics & Reporting
Ongoing, you’ll want to monitor progress in key areas month-over-month and year-over-year. From this data, tweaks to your brand building and marketing activity can be made to leverage those tactics which show the most opportunity.
Analytics reporting should always support the strategic goals and KPIs for your business.
It always comes as a huge surprise that 75% of small business sites do not use analytics tools to track performance!
Your first step is ensuring that your website has Google Analytics installed. This tool is free and will give you loads of valuable information about user behaviors. It also allows you to set up goals to track conversion.
Now you have a great overview of the tactics behind building brand awareness through marketing, engagement and community building.
Putting all these components together with a strategy and consistent execution packs the punch that any new or existing business needs for successful brand building in the digital age.
Tools For Building A Business Brand
Branding can be a fuzzy concept. It seems touchy-feely, and it revolves around perception, purpose, and promises.
Can it even be tracked? Is there ROI?
In the long-term, heck yes! Because building a strong brand will automatically increase your know, like and trust factor. In turn, resulting in easier sales, consumer loyalty and brand advocacy.
I believe what Gary Vaynerchuck says about it:
“Funny thing about brand. If you actually build a brand, you outsell any salesman any day of the week.”
If you have a business, you already have a brand.
But building an extraordinary business brand requires organization, planning, and process.
You’ve learned the fundamental brand building process here. The next thing to cover are tools, resources, and services that can elevate the growth of your business as a brand.
This list is by no means comprehensive but will help you take things to the next level of brand development.
These are some of the same tools we use for client work, and our own branding agency. In fact, we use all of them!
(Some of these may be affiliate links, for which we receive a small commission at NO cost to you.)
Branding Knowledge
Use our step-by-step workbook with tips, templates, and guidance to help build a brand for your business! Define your target audience, research competitors, develop a voice…and more.
If you’re a bookworm like me and want to dive deeper into an understanding of branding steps, read these books.
Brand Identity Breakthrough: How to Craft Your Company’s Unique Story
Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide For The Whole Branding Team
Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen
The Hero and the Outlaw: Building Extraordinary Brands Through the Power of Archetypes
There are SO many other books related to the brand building process and brand marketing, but I don’t want to overwhelm you. So I’ll leave it for another roundup article!
Workshop – Branding Masterclass
Learn how to create a powerful blueprint that will transform your business into an extraordinary brand (…so that you win the hearts and minds of your ideal customers, over and over again)!
The Building Your Brand Strategy Masterclass will change the way you look at your business, giving you clarity and more confidence for why your brand exists and how it can best serve people. ENROLL TODAY
Brand Operations
Accounting – FreshBooks
Try FreshBooks for your accounting software to reduce paperwork and get paid faster. It’s so simple to use—you’ll be able to generate invoices, organize expenses and track time. They offer a free trial and affordable pricing models. Organizing and recording financials is super important right now. It’s a good time to level up on your accounting.
Email, Calendar, Documents – Google Workspace
You need a properly branded email address, for more recognition when you land in people’s inbox. No more Yahoo, Hotmail, or [email protected]! Google provides businesses with a full suite of software products called Google Workspace. It will allow you to create a customized Gmail email address with your domain name (see below for more info on domain registration). In addition, you get the Google Calendar features AND a bunch of storage on Google Drive with access to docs, sheets, presentations and forms. Well worth it, check out the plans!
Office Supplies & Equipment – Amazon Business
You may shop on Amazon already or have a Prime account. But did you know you can shop for your brand through Amazon Business? I like keeping all business purchases together in this account area. They also offer big discounts, free shipping and a tax exemption program.
Brand Identity
Print Materials – Moo
This online printing company offers beautiful business cards, stationary and promotional collateral for reasonable prices. And, Moo products look very high-end. You want the first impression for your brand to be spectacular, so order your printed materials here. You can even order sample packs delivered to you for free.
Free Design Tool – Canva
Thousands of design templates, millions of photos. Whether you have design skills or not, Canva is our choice for asset creation and management of brand graphics. This tool is especially great for creating consistently branded social media graphics. Try a free 30-day trial of Canva Pro, which has so many more features you’ll want over the basic version (like one-click image resize, background remover and brand kits)!
Stock Photography – Shutterstock
If you really want your branding to stand out, it’s better to dig through a paid stock photo site to find visual assets. You’ll have less of a chance of looking like someone else who used photos from a free site. Shutterstock offers millions of good quality photos, illustrations, videos, and music, without paying a ton.
Writing Assistant – Grammarly
The impression of your brand through copy and messaging is ultra-important for a strong identity. And you will have to be pumping out content consistently for your brand. Grammarly has been a game-changer for producing the best quality written content. It not only checks spelling as you write, but also major grammar issues. Don’t compromise your reputation with bad writing. Get this free tool!
Brand Website
Domain Registration – Siterack
The first step in creating a website for your brand is registering the domain (the .com, .net, etc.). You can search available domains to find the best match for your brand name and then secure it free for 1 year by purchasing Siterack. Even if you are in the early stages of planning your brand, invest in this if you have a brand name. Domain names are getting snatched up by the minute.
WordPress Hosting and Security – Siterack
We build the majority of our client’s websites on WordPress. When you have a content management system with databases and plugins, it’s best to have web hosting that specifically caters to the platform. Siterack specifically provides managed WordPress hosting with amazing customer support. With Siterack, you don’t have to worry about backups, upgrades, monitoring, or technical support for your WordPress website. We do that all for you behind the scenes while you focus on growing your brand.
Online Course Platform + Website – Kajabi
The online course industry is booming and expected to reach $335 billion by 2025. Want your slice of the pie? Then it’s time to get your digital course up and running. Apart from the content, there are really only 3 tools you need to launch a successful course–an email service provider, a place to host your course like Kajabi, and a way to take payments. Sign up to try Kajabi free for 28 days!
Ecommerce Websites – Shopify
For brands that sell products, the easiest and fastest way to get set up is by trying Shopify. This is a subscription-based software service that offers a website with built-in shopping cart solution. Start your free 14-day trial today.
Brand Marketing
Search Engine Optimization – SEMRush
This is one of the best SEM and SEO tools out there. If you are looking to ramp up your brand awareness through carefully crafted content on your website (specifically your blog), use SEMRush for research on competitors, trending content, and keywords. Try the free extended 14-day trial and you’ll be hooked on how powerful this is for brand marketing.
Social Media Scheduling (Instagram & Pinterest) – Tailwind
For those brands with lots of visual content, Tailwind is the best scheduling tool we’ve used for posting photos to Instagram and pinning content on Pinterest. Not only does it help with executing your content editorial calendar, but you’re able to measure progress with actionable insights. They have a free trial, so you can take a test drive!
Email Marketing – ConvertKit
One of the most important things to start doing for your brand marketing from the get-go, is to build an email list. Once that email list starts growing, connect with the audience there! Email campaigns are the best way to do this, and ConvertKit is a tool that can help. It has email templates and an editor that makes it easy to create, customize, and send professional emails to engage your customers. No coding or stress necessary!
Conclusion: On The Path To Branding Your Business
Branding can be one of the most significant things you can do for your new or existing business.
A solid brand building process can transform your business from a small player into a successful competitor.
You’ll discover that your customers will develop a deeper level of trust for your brand, and be more likely to purchase what you are selling.
Therefore, you need to develop a consistent message and visual identity to reinforce your mission.
Integrate your brand into every aspect of customer experience: from your storefront to your website, to your personal interactions!
Above all, always start by developing your Brand Strategy first.
Think you are well-informed about how to build a brand? Let’s recap the steps of the brand building process:
How to Build a Brand
- Discover the purpose behind your brand.
- Research competitor brands within your industry.
- Determine your brand’s target audience.
- Establish a brand mission statement.
- Outline the key qualities and benefits your brand offers.
- Form your brand voice.
- Let your brand personality shine.
- Build a brand story and messaging.
- Create a brand logo and tagline.
- Integrate your brand into every aspect of your business.
- Stay true to your brand building.
Bonus: Be your brand’s biggest advocate.
I’ll leave you with another one of my favorite quotes about building brands:
Former Nike and Starbucks executive Scott Bedbury once said: ‘A brand is a story always being told.
Go build an effective brand, and tell your story.
Which brands do you think succeed the most in their brand building process?
Share your comments or questions below!
Use our step-by-step branding process workbook with tips, templates, and guidance to help build a brand for your business! Define your target audience, research competitors, develop a voice…and more.
FreshSparks is a branding agency specializing in brand strategy, brand identity, and brand marketing. We can help you excel with your positioning, point of view, and presentation to make an impact on the right people from awareness to conversion to retention. It’s the perfect mix of building a long-term brand with purpose so that you can make a profit.
Book a consultation to learn more.
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Trank Technologies says
Thanks for sharing useful information
Johan Ali says
good information
Lugsto Cloakroom Hyderabad says
Thankful for writing this awesome post about brand building process.
Brand Building means creating awareness and promoting the company using various plans. Its include social media, content and events, banner advertising etc. In branding everything is need to be done like logo, your tagline, advertising message…everything!
andy globe says
Thank you so much for sharing this very informative article. This will help me and many others also. thanks a lot.
Sloboda Studio says
Sonia, thanks. Everything is to the point, informative and exciting. Great job!
jennifer cherian says
I clearly agree with your view of brand strategy as the critical and foundational piece brand building. The way of building unique brand voice will helps you stay ahead of your competition. Valuable information. I am looking forward to more informational blogs like this one.
EMed Healthtech says
Wow!!! Super cool and very inspiring. Thanks for the collection!
First DigiAdd says
Thank you for sharing such useful information!
frank nelson says
I can clearly see the mistaks am making with my brand, Thank You for this articles.
Jessica Rothe says
Very informative post. I really liked the impactful model The Golden Circle that applies to purpose behind anything in business or life. Thanks for sharing.
Andy Globe says
The mentioned steps are very well formed and fully practical. If anyone is new in this field they can grab useful information from this blog. By refering the blog content individual may be able to get full amount of knowledge.
Essay Writer says
Thank you for sharing such useful information!
Vivek says
I’m certain that by following these tips, I will be able to create a powerful brand. Very informative post. Thanks for sharing.
Eli Kisko Design says
Building your brand is one of the essential parts of any organization. Every business owner will look forward to building their brands in the best possible manner. This is why numerous business owners have started to take the assistance of brand development strategy for your business with relevant skills and knowledge in building brands of other business firms. These are the great steps to building your brands.
Katherine, marketer at Mobindustry says
Hi Sonia, thank you for such a comprehensive guide about the branding process. Could you please share some insights on what metrics are the best to choose for measuring brand awareness?
Sonia Gregory says
Hello Katherine! You may want to take a look at our article on digital metrics – check it out here:
Denis NK says
Building a brand from scratch is exactly like growing a child. A brand must be taken care of, looked after and given nourishment at the right times till the brand is up on its feet and ready to take on the world. Brand development is a time consuming process and has many stages. Each stage must be carefully handled just like a delicate child.
Wallace Valdez says
These 11 steps are definitely are very important when it comes to brand building. To make a brand successful it is very important to build it keeping in mind the target market for which that brand was created or developed.
Peter says
Thank you for this post. My brand would definitely take a different turn from this moment.
Tntra says
This is an amazing and elaborate article. Especially, the part about golden circle is so important for today’s important to organizations. It is about getting the fundamentals right rather than the techniques to build a brand. Wonderful!
First DigiAdd says
Thank You For Sharing. Nice Article. Keep sharing.
Simon Wilby says
Thank You for sharing your great article of brand building Process and i got more information through this. And also click here-
Mickey says
Brand building is definitely a process. However, the ongoing effort will result in establishing long-term relationships with your customers.ou can also check our website -
Leads brand Connect says
You have shared some great advice and I got great information from your post. Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customers feel smart.
disqus_AZvaFZPjhC says
Nice one blog
Olivia Trott says
Hi Sonia, thanks for sharing such a nicely written blog that successfully covered every aspect of building a brand. Successful brand building means creating a positive and long-lasting image of your business amongst the people through different strategies. Your blog is highly appreciable; businesses must follow these steps for generating more loyal customers.
Apurva Desai says
Your marketing should always be customer-centric, catering to what your customers want. Always address them directly when contacting for promotions and campaigns.
purple pumpkin says
Good afternoon, I really liked your article. The ted talk by Simon Sinek was indeed very engaging and enlightening. But I have a question which I cannot find an answer to. Do logos really contribute that much to branding? All the things the maximum of the customers think about is the benefit they get to their investment or the cost and the durability and quality and genuineness of the product. No customer from the public go into the store looking after at the logo and analysing the meaning of the colours or shapes. In fact maximum of the customers don’t even spend some time to analyse the website or brand, it won’t even cross their mind. So in such cases, is it reasonable to think that maybe brand identity doesn’t need much word or analysis and that it might not play much role in branding? I mean most of the logos don’t exactly reflect their distinction so all we could use the logo for is to make a memorable one so it sticks in our mind. The thing is wherever i see, Logo is on the top of list of modes of branding, why is it even being linked to branding when branding is ur uniqueness or special feature or distinction and logo is your vision and mission statement. If logos are really that important in growing your company, then a handbook or something should be released and everyone must pay attention to them. It is a pretty long question, I hope I didnt ask a useless question. I hope my question has some validity or some sense to it. Anyway, I hope u see this and set my mind straight and correct me if I’m wrong. Thank You.
Inspiring and engaging. Please keep doing this kind of great stuff.
FreshSparks says
Thank you for your feedback! Hope to hear more from you soon.
Us Biz Updates says
One of the best and clearest articles I’ve read on brand building. Thank you so much!!
Epic India Group says
Wow what a great article.. Usually I never read this long article but your article is so interesting and helpful. Thanks for providing such great knowledge. You can also check our website if you require any related services or if we can help you in any way. Website:
FreshSparks says
Appreciate your feedback!
Kimbugwe Ivan says
Thank you so much for this content, it has really woken up the marketing beast in me
FreshSparks says
That’s awesome! Hope to hear more from you.
Alex paul says
Hey, thanks for sharing wonderful article. These tips will help a lot to improve brand building.
James from element pack says
I like the way that you discuss your thoughts by this article. All the 11 steps that you discussed are excellent. Thanks man for this valuable article.
Shara Hart says
One of the best and clearest articles I’ve read on brand building. Thank you so much!!
Michael Figueroa says
I was enlightened on how should I start first. Before, I only thought about doing heavy social media advertisements to look for clients, but because of this blog, I learned a lot. Thank you! From the Philippines.
Jhon Paul says
thanks a lot for this info it was really helpful. My site — name was designed by professionals thank god i had not to do this much effort. I got my site name from —
Alise Couper says
Great article! Helpful recommendation in building successful brand strategy!
Brand strategy also will be discussed during Future of Branding Week.
It is an online 5-day programme that explores the secrets of branding process and customer-centred brands as well as methodologies and frameworks London’s creative agencies use.
And the best part is — will spend a week with branding professionals from around the world, discussing hot topics and sharing your own approaches.
FreshSparks says
Thanks for the heads up, Alise. Hope to hear more from you soon.
Pandit Rajkumar Dubey says
Your blog is very useful with us to thank you so much
FreshSparks says
Happy to hear that, Pandit Rajkumar! You are most welcome. Visit again soon!
DM Technolab says
Thankyu sir for great information.
I was nothing before , but this gave me push and i started my own blog – TrickyMoney
Thankyu Again.
FreshSparks says
You’re welcome. Glad to see that this was a help to you.
Swati V says
Hi, Your blog is very useful with us to thank you so much
Paula says
Hi I have a question regarding branding, more closely website. If I want to set up an online course company, how to target both students who want to enrol on the course, but also potential employers, who can hire people after the course? How to structure the website to get both of those target groups? Any tips, useful articles or examples of already existing websites?
FreshSparks says
Hello Paula! This sounds like two very distinct audiences, and use cases. It might be too much to combine into one website, not only with the branding but the user experience. You could create an overarching career-building brand, that has sub-brands beneath it. One that caters to the students and offers courses. The other can be for the job seekers to be connected to grads of the courses for hiring. Perhaps your naming of the brands can tie the two together. -SG
Kedar Joshi says
Hi Sonia,
Thank you very much for this great blog. It is a very informative and detailed blog. It has covered almost all the aspects of brand building process from online channels, offline channels, user experience, etc. However, it shall be very helpful for all the readers if you can elaborate a bit more about word-of-mouth, which is highly important channel for branding. Also, if you can comment a bit on what role ‘time’plays in brand building? Eg: How long your name has been in the market plays a role? 2 year v/s 10 years
Thank you again for this informative piece of article!
Founder, UdyamGyan (
The Marketing Machine says
Hello, it is really a very informative and helpful blog. You have mentioned the brand building details in so details that it is very easy to understand. Apart from that, The Golden Circle concept and the bonus tips are really exceptional. It can be really insightful to read the blog and learning new ideas and process in marketing. Thanks for the blog.
Chastity Teater says
Thank you so much for a very informative and well thought article on Branding..I am new to all of this and felt so overwhelmed by the in’s and out’s to Branding…This sure has helped me understand certain parts of the Branding process better. I am opening a store on Etsy Shop and want my Branding to be Cohesive all the way around. I also enjoyed the video about The Golden Circle by Simeon Sinek and I have signed up for free workbook. Thanks a Million for all of your hard work on this subject.
FreshSparks says
Chastity, I’m so happy to hear that you found value in this article and have downloaded our guide. You might also consider enrolling my training, the Building Your Brand Strategy Masterclass. It will be a good way for your to understand the what, how and why in order to take action on building a long-term brand for your business. Click here to check it out! -Sonia
KTech India says
Much thanks for sharing this informative guide. Being a digital marketer, I can clearly see that you have discussed all the necessary steps above. Keep it up 🙂
Nasir Ibrahim says
Very good and informative discussion covering all required steps. Thank you very much
FreshSparks says
You’re welcome, Nasir! Thanks for the comment, glad you found it valuable.
pooja says
Thank you for such wonderful and informative steps for brand building. I will surely try follow them for branding my own product.Will be looking forward to hear more.
FreshSparks says
Thank you for the feedback, Pooja! What is your product going to be?
jalen says
Thankyou, this was very helpful.
FreshSparks says
You’re very welcome, Jalen. Hope to hear more from you soon.
James Peters says
Thanks alot for the awesome information that you shared on this post. I personally think it’s one of the best I ever have come across in terms of blogging and web site developing.
FreshSparks says
Happy to help, James. Let us know if you have any questions.
Joe bricky says
Thanks for sharing the brand building strategy. Its great strategy for building a brand from scratch.
FreshSparks says
You’re welcome, Joe. Glad that you found this helpful for your process of building a brand.
smorisch says
This article is outstanding,however, I believe there are 12 steps, not 11. Before any of these actions can be completed you need to understand and embrace your “why”, for lack of better terms. I’m beginning to teach brand awareness and this is where I’m starting with my audience. I’m not talking about some lame version of a “Why” that people try to use to sound good, I’m talking about the foundation under which the rest will be built. The True to Yourself and True to your Audience authenticity that comes with attracting your most desired customers along their journey. The authentic Why has to come before anything else.
Just some thoughts. Great article, you brought to my attention a couple of tools I’d not known about before
FreshSparks says
Hello Sherry! Happy New Year and sorry for the delayed reply. Funny you say this, because I was in the process of adding that very step of understanding your “Why” to the article. It’s now been updated above, so check it out. Totally agree with you that is was missing, it’s the first thing we usually do with clients during Discovery. Thank you and hope to hear more from you soon. -SG
Priya Dharshini says
Never have I read such an awesome and elaborate article on Branding. Hope it reaches many people. Thanks for writing and sharing it!
FreshSparks says
Thank you for the awesome feedback, Praveen! So glad to hear that you find it helpful. Hope to hear more from you soon.
guest says
Hi! Thank you for your article. I have a question: If I’m a provider of product and services, and I have a specific target (let’s say Mining pump maintenance guys and their bosses, who have the last call when buying), and I want to share valuable, technical content for them to show them our expertise. But I also want to get involved into the whole mining community; Would it be too confusing if I share social and technical content in the same platform? or, should I make separated channels on social media for posting the content? One channel for the technical support, and another one for the community or social engagement?
(Besides the Blog, which is going to help in feeding the social media).
FreshSparks says
Hello! If you are looking to be the go-to expert and source for all things mining pumps, then you can share both technical and social content in the same places. Both will help build your brand and gain trust from your target audience. The key is to create relevant, valuable content that you share with your audience consistently and frequently. Every individual in your audience has a reason for doing what they do, whether that be for the technical experience, or to help provide for their lifestyle (and their families). So it could live in the same places, as long as you deliver it with intention in an authentic way.
Mutaawe Francis Victor says
Thanks for this wonderful information.
God bless you.
FreshSparks says
You’re welcome, Mutaawe! Glad you find it valuable.
joao says
Hi. Quick question. How often should one do email campaigns? I mix it up quite a bit with content, promotion, newletters, etc…..but waht is too much and what is too little?
FreshSparks says
Hello Joao! Emailed you about this. Thank you for your comment!
Holateck services says
Great article on branding. Here are you explain detail business branding tips.
FreshSparks says
Appreciate the feedback. Hope to hear more from you!
Đình Long Media says
quá tuyệt vời!!
FreshSparks says
Thank you!
Andrea says
This article has been incredibly helpful. I am certainly more enthusiastic and encouraged that I can build a successful Brand after reading this. Thank you ?
FreshSparks says
Excellent to hear, Andrea! Let us know if you have any questions on your branding journey.
CrateMeSearch says
Nice article thanks you sharing this. it’s helpful to build branded business.
FreshSparks says
You’re welcome! Thanks for your comment.
Harrison2017 says
I am setting up a company in Nigeria and Honestly would like to contract your expertise in branding a product. My email address is [email protected]
FreshSparks says
Hello Harrison, we emailed you!
jagriti123 says
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Willerd Sanchez says
Very good article. Definitely building a brand is not something simple, it takes a lot of work, persistence and some creativity; I remember that when I had to do the logo and motto of my brand, it was a real challenge, luckily at that time I counted on the help of Virtually Present (, thanks to them I was able to grow everything I wanted and plus!. Now I am trying to create another company, but doing everything by doing the brand myself. Many gracas for this post.
Văn Khoa says
Thank you very much and Can i read this information from? (books, studies…?)
Liv says
Thank you so much this was extremely useful information for my Branding project!
Titus engmann says
this is an extraordinary piece of information God bless you….
Emran Al Tahhan says
many many thanks for the helpful step by step guide, i actually study marketing and this helped me alot to gather all info i knew as well as helpful examples.
Robin Lespagnard says
Very helpful blog post, thanks a lot !
FreshSparks says
Happy to hear that you found this informative. Thank you for your comment, hope to hear more from you soon!
Stephen Chong says
Hey Really nice Blog.surely follow your valuable piece of advice.
Niya Bharti says
Elissa Patrick says
Actually brand tagline must be a catching one.Because people first get attracted to taglines if they are catchy.Great article.I just liked the way this blog presented the information.Accend Digital
FreshSparks says
Thanks, Elissa! Hope to see you here again soon.
Shehryar Aziz says
Wow, this article is gold! I tried something similar on my blog here: , will include your article as a resource to read more. Great job!
FreshSparks says
Appreciate the comment and compliment, Shehryar!
Shehryar Aziz says
Thank You
Mahesh Michael says
What a great content for the brand building & promotion. Now a days, a business can not run without a strong marketing plan & this blog really helpful for the same. I would also recommend one of a very effective marketing technic is – Trade shows. Best & cost effective ever. To know more about it, visit this-
FreshSparks says
Thanks for the comment, Mahesh!
Marcus Schaller says
I like the brand competitor research spreadsheet idea. As you said, it’s not about imitation. Being aware of competitor messaging, visuals, quality, reviews, and marketing tactics helps you to recognize opportunities in the marketplace. Thanks for sharing this!
FreshSparks says
Yes! Finding out how your brand differentiates can make a target audience choose you over the others. Thanks for the insightful comment, Marcus!
zerozilla says
How to Develop a Successful Tagline for a Brand?, Click here
FreshSparks says
Thank you for visiting!
Dmozzakr says
This Blog is great Great piece of advice For new traders.
FreshSparks says
Hope to hear more from you, thanks for your comment!
Dmozzakr says
interesting blog
FreshSparks says
Glad you found this helpful!
Karolina says
great article thx
FreshSparks says
Thank you for reading, Karolina!
Karolina says
great article. thx
FreshSparks says
You’re welcome, Karolina! Thanks for reading. 🙂
Ideatising World says
Hey folk,
Actually, i am looking some different kind of information for brand building.
Where after coming through this article,
Being a startup guy,
i just noticed some brand building ideas,
which are kick start to brand my Company.
Hope see more about brand building strategies here.
Thank you man.
FreshSparks says
Thank you for your comment!
Đặng Hưng says
Thanks you so much…
FreshSparks says
You are so very welcome! Thank you for reading, and hope to see you again soon!
Vertebrand Management says
Very insightful and informative tips on brand building.. good read!
FreshSparks says
Appreciate the great feedback, glad it provided some insight for you. 🙂
Solange Abella says
Great selection of topics to fallow Sonia. keep feeding us with your knowledge.
FreshSparks says
Thank you for the comment, Solange. Hope you subscribed and we see more of you again!
BTaylor says
this is amazing content…thank you for sharing!
FreshSparks says
You’re so very welcome. Thanks for reading!
Vlad Pshenychka says
thanks a lot, Sonia!
FreshSparks says
You’re welcome. We appreciate that you are reading our content, Vlad!
mahmoud says
I like the structure and the steps and the way is very straight forward
Thanks 🙂
FreshSparks says
Thanks for the comment, Mahmoud. Glad it was valuable for you. See you here again soon. 🙂
Julia Ye says
Sonia, great stuff! Keep writing
FreshSparks says
Thank you for reading, Julia! Hope you visit again soon.
Nazim Ali Shah says
Find your audience, build a relationship and sell your products. Reach your business goals with AWeber’s email marketing and automation platform. Start Your 30-Day Free Trial :
FreshSparks says
AWeber is certainly a great product, and email marketing is highly important. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment, Nazim.
KeyVendors says
very nice blog
FreshSparks says
Thank you!
Sathya Narayana says
I was looking for a quick guide for brand building for one of my site and this article is spot on! Thanks for sharing this, I’ll be implementing some of these concepts for rebranding my website.
FreshSparks says
Thanks for the feedback and comment, Sathya. How is your brand building going?
Ankur Purohit says
Thanks for sharing this piece of work. I have taken the points and understood them in brief. I’m about to start the Brand Development and will surely keep your advice, while doing all the activities.
FreshSparks says
You are welcome, Ankur. Hope your brand building process goes well, and let us know if you have any questions.
Menidjel Oussama Lyes says
great stuff, as a logo designer and branding expert, I can’t agree more!
FreshSparks says
Thanks for the feedback, Menidjel! Very happy to see that another expert agrees with us . 🙂 Hope to see more of you again.
Kristin Brause says
Great piece of advice. As someone who’s worked in advertising for global brands for over 10 years I full heartedly agree with all your points 🙂
FreshSparks says
Truly appreciate your comments, Kristin. Please do let us know if there is something from your experience that we should add to make the article stronger. Hope to hear from you again soon! Thanks for reading. 🙂
Shekhar Malhotra says
Good read.
FreshSparks says
Thank you, Shekhar! Glad you found it helpful.
Mukunthan Ravikumar says
How should be the business brands voice?
It can contain negative words like not or is it a bad idea?
FreshSparks says
Hello Mukuthan, thank you for your questions. Could you be more specific with what you are trying to do with your business voice?
Chris Daniells says
As simple as it sounds, it is indeed quite challenging to begin building a brand. At Om Infosolutions, we believe branding is establishing an image in people’s mind. Hence, one more step to follow is understanding how users will remember your brand and what comes to their mind when they think of the brand.
FreshSparks says
Yes, we totally agree! This is what the essence of a brand is all about–what perception a customer has of your business in their mind. Appreciate your comments, Chris!
Trevor Fenner says
I agree that building a brand is in every experience the customer has including the website, emails, ads, social media, phone calls, using the product, and telling others about it.
FreshSparks says
Thank you for your comments, Trevor. Glad we are on the same page about brand building. Hope to hear more from you soon.
Aditya Sawdekar says
Amazing write-up on brand building. Would like to hear and read more from you guys.
FreshSparks says
So glad you liked the article, Aditya. Truly appreciate your comments and support. 🙂
Samuel Roy says
These steps are more effective to improve branding of the business, by following these tips you can increase more visitors for the website. It is more effective information.
FreshSparks says
Thanks for your comments, Samuel! Hope to hear more from you again.
Jessica Simons says
Very useful tips indeed. I absolutely believe that your brand image speaks about you to your target audience. So, think through the message you want to put across when you are brand building. In fact, I would even add things like discount coupons and promotions to the lot. After all, you doesn’t like freebies, right?
FreshSparks says
Thank you for reading, Jessica! Great points about the coupons and promotions. They can draw people to your brand, and it gives an opportunity to show new customers the value of your product or service over others. The end goal is retaining them as a long time customer and brand advocate!
rubina bajaj says
Such a great piece, thanks enjoyed reading!
Can you provide clarification on Step 9 please, esp about “Your brand should be visible and reflected in everything that your customer sees (and doesn’t see).”
What all is implied in the not visible portion to the customer and how to target that as a technology company?
FreshSparks says
Hello Rubina! Thank you for your comment, so glad you found this informative. You pose a very good question, and we plan to explain that further in the next round of editing for this article. In a nutshell, the non-visible pieces of your technology brand could be the way that you provide service to a customer. Perhaps you go above and beyond with the value that they expect. It could be in your mission, that differentiates you from competition or shows a unique side to the company. It could also be shown during the first touch points in the sales process, where your account managers provide more value to the potential customer that they expect in return. Maybe it is in the consistent, high-quality content that you publish (yes, this is typically “seen”, but in essence is a product that you provide for free). Hope these ideas help, happy to answer any more questions!
Tyree T-Rex De Breuyn says
Great article! Thank you for the advice!
Derrion Garland says
Thank you for creating this article – I’m looking forward to using the information contained within it.
Jonathan Cadiz says
This is a nice review of the basics. Such a great article.
FreshSparks says
Thank you so much for the feedback, Jonathan! Hope to hear more from you in the future.
Sarmad Hussain says
U changed my life. Thanks for this greatly elaborated article.
Sanjay says
Amazing Thought Clarity and emphasis on basics
Sasha says
Great post! Very informative! I loved the examples given to express and prove each point. Definitely share worthy!
Joan Bell says
What a terrific article. Simple, to the point and waffle free – a rarity these days. Thanks you. Shared on Linked In.
Satish Sharma says
Wonderful article and good examples.
Lexi Pivovarova says
As some just in the process of setting up a brand in a complete start up business. I find this article extremely relevant. Things have moved on since I was involved in mainstream sales and marketing and I find the definition of and role of ‘essence’ core to what I am trying to achieve.
FreshSparks says
Excellent, Lexi! Thanks for reading and sharing your comments. Essence is very influential in defining a brand. Best of luck and hope to hear more from you!
David R says
Excellent branding is all regarding the trust – that involves when it approaches to building a brand that people truly believe in, broken assurances just aren’t an option.
FreshSparks says
Very true, David. Thank you for your comment! Hope to hear more from you here.
Sharon Thomson says
What a great read. Whether it is the key to increasing the turnover or building a brand, you expect a leader to know where and how to find it. Building your business brand from scratch requires four main steps: know your brand value, create a brand essence, identify brand audience and commit & deliver.
Oli Gilpin says
Great job! Some useful pointers for staying on track.
Hermiawan says
“Step 6: From your brand’s business voice,” Please Explain again ya, still a bit confused?
Hemant Mishrra says
Its Awesome post its very good post also help ful for readers
Daniel says
Sonia Chopra Gregory says
Thank you for your comment, Daniel! Glad you like the article.
Daniel says
Sonia Chopra Gregory says
Thank you for your comment, Daniel! Glad you like the article.
Matej Valuch says
Wonderful. You not only described all the essentials of brand building, but also gave a good lesson on how a good article should be composed – clear structure, pictures, examples, steady formatting…. Really enjoyable to read.
You are branding yourself well, hopefully I can achieve the same.
Matej Valuch says
Wonderful. You not only described all the essentials of brand building, but also gave a good lesson on how a good article should be composed – clear structure, pictures, examples, steady formatting…. Really enjoyable to read.
You are branding yourself well, hopefully I can achieve the same.
Sonia Chopra Gregory says
Thank you for reading, Matej…and for the compliment! Glad that you found it informative. Let us know if you have any questions.
sameer says
I was looking for such kind of blog and u gave me the correct information,thanks a lot waiting for similar kind of blogs which give lots of information.
sameer says
I was looking for such kind of blog and u gave me the correct information,thanks a lot waiting for similar kind of blogs which give lots of information.
money says
Hi there, You’ve done an incredible job. I will certainly digg it and in my view recommend to my friends. I am sure they’ll be benefited from this website.
Jasper Oldersom says
Hello Sonia!
First of all, thank you for sharing these excellent brand building tips.
I agree that determining your target audience is very important, because specific sells and generic does not. # 2 also helps massively, this is basically your WHY as a company. I agree that Nikes communicates this in a very exquisite way.
What i also loved is that you said to focus the unique qualities, and you’re so right about that. If you compete on the same level, you’ll soon be battling for price shoppers.
Having a voice is sadly not something many business have picked up on, because their copy is often very bland and boring. You can slowly develop your voice over time and it will actually make your brand more human.
Good point that your brand is integrated within every aspect of your business. As a matter of fact, every time you have contact with a customer or a potential customer, you are shaping his or her thoughts about your brand as well.
Finally, you’re right that it’s up to you to get others enthusiastic about your products or services first. That’s your responsibility as a company, so great point!
I found your article very well and clearly written.
Thanks a lot for sharing Sonia..
– Jasper
FreshSparks says
Appreciate your excellent comments, Jasper! Glad you found this blog post informative.
Brand building never stops! It’s important to be consistent, targeted, and above all passionate about upholding the mission and values behind your brand.
Thanks for reading, and hope to hear a lot more from you again!